el tiempo pasa demasiado deprisa cuando te sientes bien o incluso feliz.
al llegar el final, siempre parece que todo hubiera empezado
tan solo unos minutos antes.
al llegar el final, siempre parece que todo hubiera empezado
tan solo unos minutos antes.
hoy, de repente, me estaba montando de nuevo en los mismos aviones, recorriendo el mismo camino que hice hace dos semanas, solo que en la dirección contraria, con los sentimientos contrarios. las cuatro gigantes maletas que llevamos repletas de regalos hacen tener ganas de volver, pero regresar otra vez al mismo lugar, a la misma historia, no es muy tentador. viajar es una de las cosas que más me llenan y más me gustan, dejar atrás tu casa para ver cosas siempre diferentes y a veces nuevas, es genial. pero cuando después hay que volver y se encuentra todo igual, estancado, sin cambio, no se siente mucho entusiasmo.
me da rabia tener que volverme a separar de estas personas a las que quiero tanto, de estos tres personajes que tan marcada tienen mi vida, mis recuerdos. el destino, o más bien las elecciones de unos y otros han querido que desde hace años hayamos tenido que vivir separados por miles de kilómetros de distancia... siempre hay que cruzar un océano o un continente entero para ver sus caras, para abrazarlos, pero muy a pesar de toda esa distancia, cada vez que vuelvo a encontrarme con 'la tía buena'(gloria), con juancho y con eva, siento una cosa casi mágica que me hace sentir que nunca hemos estado separados, y es que es cierto, nuestros corazones están tan cerca y tan unidos que no hay distancia que los separe.
el último beso siempre da cierto vértigo y sobretodo ganas de dar el siguiente, que casi siempre llega varios meses después.
ha sido genial estar con vosotros (eso incluye a la nueva adopción de la familia: lissa!)solo me gustaría haber podido estar más tiempo...
es muy triste irse, pero volver a cruzar la aduana junto a mi mejor amigo, junto a la persona que más me hace reír siempre, ayuda bastante.
es muy triste irse, pero volver a cruzar la aduana junto a mi mejor amigo, junto a la persona que más me hace reír siempre, ayuda bastante.
después de probar las mejores hamburguesas que jamás habíamos comido
(5 GUYS), y de estar a punto de perder el primero de nuestros aviones como dos idiotas que se quedan sentados hablando justo frente a la puerta de embarque, hemos empezado a recoger, a volver hacia atrás.
(5 GUYS), y de estar a punto de perder el primero de nuestros aviones como dos idiotas que se quedan sentados hablando justo frente a la puerta de embarque, hemos empezado a recoger, a volver hacia atrás.
el vuelo ha sido tan rápido que parece imposible haber durado tantas horas como ha durado, y lo único que hemos hecho es reír sin parar mientras comíamos la mejor comida de avión que se puede desear, por supuesto no incluida en el servicio de US AIRWAYS, y comprada media hora antes de embarcar, en el ASIAN CHAO del aeropuerto de philadelphia:
pollo a la naranja! hmmm!
pollo a la naranja! hmmm!
gracias por estas dos semanas tan geniales junto a ti y por este último vuelo lleno de carcajadas, te quiero mucho hermano!
time passes too quickly when you feel good or even happy. at the end, it always feels as if everything had started just a few minutes earlier.
today, suddenly, i was taking again the same planes and traveling the same distances i did two weeks ago, only in the opposite direction and with contrary feelings. these four giant suitcases we.re carring full of gifts make me feel like going back, but returning again to the same place, to the same story, is not very tempting. traveling has always been one of the things that fill me and i like the most, leaving your house behind to see (sometimes) new and (always) different things is great every time, but when afterwards you go back and it.s all the same, all stagnant, when you see everything remained without change, is hard to feel much enthusiasm.
i hate separating from these people who i love so much, from these three characters who have always deeply marked my life, my memories. choices or maybe fate, have taken us to live separated by thousands of miles... i always have to cross an ocean or even a whole continent to see their faces, to hug them. but despite of all that distance, every time i meet them again, i feel as if we had been no time separated, and now that i write this, i realize it.s true, we actually don.t ever separate, cause our hearts are so close and so united that there.s no distance between them.
the last kiss always makes you feel a choking vertigo and be impatient for the next one, which always arrives at least a couple of months later.
it.s been awesome being with you guys -and that includes you lissa!
(the latest adoption of the cantos family).
i only wish we could had stayed longer...
is so sad to leave, but passing through the security check with my best friend, with the person who always makes me laugh the most,
helps a lot.
after tasting the best burgers we had ever eaten (5 GUYS.s), and after being too close to lose the first of our flights as two idiots who sit and chat quietly right in front of the gate, we started to walk our steps back.
the flight has been so fast that it seems imposible to have lasted that many hours, and all we.ve done is laugh and laugh as we ate the best inflight meal you could ever desire (of course not included in US AIRWAYS service) and bought half an hour before boarding, at ASIAN CHAO in philadelphia.s airport: orange chicken! hmmm!
thanks for these amazing two weeks with you and for this last flight full of laughter, i love you brother!
time passes too quickly when you feel good or even happy. at the end, it always feels as if everything had started just a few minutes earlier.
today, suddenly, i was taking again the same planes and traveling the same distances i did two weeks ago, only in the opposite direction and with contrary feelings. these four giant suitcases we.re carring full of gifts make me feel like going back, but returning again to the same place, to the same story, is not very tempting. traveling has always been one of the things that fill me and i like the most, leaving your house behind to see (sometimes) new and (always) different things is great every time, but when afterwards you go back and it.s all the same, all stagnant, when you see everything remained without change, is hard to feel much enthusiasm.
i hate separating from these people who i love so much, from these three characters who have always deeply marked my life, my memories. choices or maybe fate, have taken us to live separated by thousands of miles... i always have to cross an ocean or even a whole continent to see their faces, to hug them. but despite of all that distance, every time i meet them again, i feel as if we had been no time separated, and now that i write this, i realize it.s true, we actually don.t ever separate, cause our hearts are so close and so united that there.s no distance between them.
the last kiss always makes you feel a choking vertigo and be impatient for the next one, which always arrives at least a couple of months later.
it.s been awesome being with you guys -and that includes you lissa!
(the latest adoption of the cantos family).
i only wish we could had stayed longer...
is so sad to leave, but passing through the security check with my best friend, with the person who always makes me laugh the most,
helps a lot.
after tasting the best burgers we had ever eaten (5 GUYS.s), and after being too close to lose the first of our flights as two idiots who sit and chat quietly right in front of the gate, we started to walk our steps back.
the flight has been so fast that it seems imposible to have lasted that many hours, and all we.ve done is laugh and laugh as we ate the best inflight meal you could ever desire (of course not included in US AIRWAYS service) and bought half an hour before boarding, at ASIAN CHAO in philadelphia.s airport: orange chicken! hmmm!
thanks for these amazing two weeks with you and for this last flight full of laughter, i love you brother!
© colash: jor.G3/cantos